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Gerry Cohen

Partagás Aliados Cigars: A Symbol of Cuban Excellence

The Partagás Aliados cigars are part of the iconic Cuban cigar brand Partagás, which was founded in 1845. As one of the most renowned and oldest cigar factories in Cuba, located in Havana, Partagás has become synonymous with premium quality and craftsmanship in cigar production.

The cigars are meticulously presented in an elegant wooden box containing 20 cigars. The box is beautifully designed, reflecting the luxury and tradition of the Partagás brand. The interior lid is adorned with the emblem “Flor de Tabacos de Partagás,” a hallmark of excellence. Each cigar is carefully arranged, showing the brand’s dedication to perfection from the very first visual impression. The Partagás Aliados cigars have a Lonsdale shape, typically longer and with a slender ring gauge, which allows for a slower, more refined burn. This size is highly appreciated by aficionados who enjoy a smoke with a balanced burn time, typically between 45 minutes to an hour. The length of these cigars generally ranges around 6 to 7 inches, and the ring gauge falls around 42 to 44, providing a well-balanced draw and burn.

The cigars feature a smooth, velvety wrapper that has a golden-brown hue, often described as Colorado Claro. This wrapper is hand-selected from the finest Cuban tobacco leaves, ensuring a beautiful sheen and delicate veins. The construction of the cigars is impeccable, with a firm, even pack, allowing for a perfect draw. Each cigar is triple-capped, showcasing the craftsmanship and attention to detail synonymous with Cuban hand-rolled cigars. The filler is made from a blend of carefully aged tobacco leaves, cultivated in the rich, fertile soils of the Vuelta Abajo region in Cuba, widely recognized for producing the world’s finest tobacco. The binder is also of Cuban origin, enhancing the complexity and richness of the cigar’s profile. This blend contributes to the cigar’s unique flavor characteristics and strength.

The Partagás Aliados cigars are known for their complex, medium-to-full-bodied flavor. Upon lighting, the smoker is greeted with a rich, earthy base that is complemented by spicy notes, which are a signature of Partagás cigars. As the cigar progresses, flavors of cedar, leather, and toasted nuts become more pronounced, with subtle undertones of coffee, dark cocoa, and a faint hint of sweetness. The final third of the cigar often reveals deeper flavors of pepper and dried fruits, providing a balanced and satisfying finish.

The Aliados cigars offer a medium to full strength, appealing to experienced smokers who enjoy a robust smoke without being too overpowering. The well-constructed cigars ensure an even burn, producing creamy, thick smoke that fills the palate with rich, deep flavors. The nicotine strength is noticeable but not overwhelming, providing a solid yet smooth experience from start to finish. Smokers will enjoy the long, lingering finish that leaves a pleasant, warm sensation on the palate.

From the moment the cigar is lit, it releases a complex aroma that includes hints of earth, wood, and spices. The aroma remains present throughout the smoke, adding to the cigar’s overall appeal and enhancing the smoking experience. The balance between the rich, bold aroma and the nuanced flavors makes it a treat for cigar enthusiasts. Like many premium Cuban cigars, the Partagás Aliados cigars benefit greatly from aging. Over time, the flavors meld and mature, offering an even smoother and more refined smoking experience. Collectors often age these cigars for 5 to 10 years or more to unlock deeper complexity and richness in the tobacco.

The Partagás Aliados cigars are a true representation of the excellence in Cuban tobacco craftsmanship. The Partagás factory in Havana, known for producing bold and flavorful cigars, continues to honor its long-standing tradition with this exceptional line. The cigars offer a balance of boldness and refinement, perfect for those who appreciate the rich history and quality of Cuban tobacco.

Whether you’re smoking one to celebrate a special occasion or simply to enjoy a premium cigar, the Aliados from Partagás will deliver an authentic Cuban cigar experience with an enduring legacy of craftsmanship. These cigars are available in select markets and are highly coveted by collectors and connoisseurs worldwide, making them a must-try for any serious cigar aficionado.

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